Discover The Secret Of Making Nigerian Soups Like A Chef, Even If You Have Never Made Them Before.

I'm thrilled to announce that Soup A Star(pronounced super star). A signature soup cookbook on mastering How to make20+Nigeria soups like a Real chef in 30 days or less, is now available for you.
Whether you are just a beginner or already proficient with making soups.


Soup-A Star gives you the exact instructions, recipes, techniques, measurements, and support needed to make perfect tasting Nigerian soups.

This is not just another cookbook. with Soup-A Star, you will dramatically increase your confidence in making soups from All major Nigerian tribes:
✅ Signature soups from western Nigeria
✅ Signature soups from Eastern Nigeria
✅Signature soups from southern Nigeria
✅ Signature soups from Northern Nigeria

And most importantly, u can be guaranteed that you'll see massive RESULTS IN 30DAYS OR LESS.


Before trying out Soup-A Star cookbook, some were already good with a few soups but wanted to learn soups from other tribes.

A number of them were struggling with the results they were getting each time they attempted a soup.

A couple of them were total beginners who lacked kitchen confidence and always ordered soup bowls from caterers.

After trying out Soup-A Star cookbook, more than 80% of them wrote back, that the quality of their soups dramatically changed within the first 7 days .

Who is this Cookbook for?

This cookbook is for mothers, home makers, good food lovers, men, women, entrepreneurs, caterers, aspiring chefs & foodpreneurs.

If you have always wanted the "shortcut" to mastering several Nigerian soups -not just 1 or 2 like most people do. Then you need to get Soup-A Star.

I know there are lots of free recipes out there on blogs and YouTube. I don't know about you, but do you want to keep trying what isn't giving you any significant results?

Purpose of this cookbook

This purpose and goals of this cookbook is to help you unleash your inner chef to prepare perfect-tasting Nigerian soups for LIFE. This cookbook is NOT for everybody. It's definitely not for people always looking for free stuff everywhere.

But if what you want is RESULTS and you're willing to pay any amount to get it, use the instructions in this book and you will get a culinary adventure of a lifetime.

what the book is all about

This book is not based on some shabby put together information to you will find everywhere. It is richly crafted cookbook using decades of culinary experience.

It is base on the core philosophy of generosity, of giving to people who value quality learning experiences, and sharing wealth of knowledge.

It is paired with simple step-by-step instructions, that can be used by anyone to prepare delicious meals without the need to attend physical culinary school where you will cough out nothing less than #2.8million.

Now hopefully you are starting to see how powerful this book is!

If you want to go from having no idea or basic knowledge to preparing great tasting soups consistently without stress, this book is your answer.


The knowledge, expertise and experience was packaged into a book that anyone could follow at their convenient pace regardless of their schedule.

Because we want you to upgrade your cooking skill, I'm placing a bet that this book will help you achieve that by giving you a crazy offer.

And because the content of the book is so powerful, I'm able to charge over #495,000 to teach the student who enroll for my online culinary course .
But you won't pay that if you order now.